
Release SimCrowds

No more waiting; SimCrowds is here!

To celebrate this milestone event, this week we are introducing the main highlights of our crowd simulation software, so you can get a sneak peek before you try it for yourself.

SimCrowds has been designed with the user in mind.

The first thing one will notice is the sleek and user-friendly interface. Everything is easy to find, and the controls are straightforward so that users can immediately get started with setting up and running simulations.

The learning curve of the software is more similar to that of video games rather than traditional, complex crowd simulation systems.

Modeling the environment is made easy by implementing Kadaster’s geographical data of the Netherlands, and once the environment is loaded in, users can quickly simulate crowds of people in a matter of seconds in complex environments. This makes it an ideal tool for event and urban planners who need to study real-time pedestrian movements and flow patterns in busy areas.

From the intuitive interface to the comprehensive features, SimCrowds makes pedestrian simulation easy. Whether you are looking to simulate a small group of pedestrians for an event, or large crowds in massive virtual environments, SimCrowds has you covered.

Would you like to try SimCrowds? We would like to offer you a 97% starter discount. Create an account on our website and get 5 hours of simulation time just for €‎1.

You can get started at

#crowd #simulation #software #launch #simcrowds

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