SimCrowds 2025: A user-friendly realistic and high-performance crowd simulation tool
We are proud to present SimCrowds 2025 (v1.6). This simulator enables crowd managers, event organizers, and consultants to create and simulate interactive crowds in both 2D and 3D multi-layered environments.
Support for Multi-Layered Environments
SimCrowds now supports environments with multiple floors or stories, allowing you to determine evacuation times for train stations or optimize crowd flow in air ports. SimCrowds remains a fully 3D program, ensuring a seamless transition for existing users.
Advanced Behavior Controls
With the addition of new crowd logic building blocks, you can now control individual or groups of pedestrians more precisely. New features include triggers, evacuation logic, and agent modifiers, in addition to existing elements like Entry, Waypoint, Exit and Queue. You can still modify the simulation in real-time.
Validation with Integrated ISO Scenarios
SimCrowds is built on extensive scientific research from multiple universities, including our own. Over the past year, we’ve enhanced the software to comply with most scenarios defined in ISO 20414:2020. Validation files, including evacuation, demographics and movement disabilities, are now included.
Digital Twin (NL)
SimCrowds now connects to the open APIs from the Kadaster, allowing you to create a geo-specific digital twin of any area in the Netherlands using up-to-date topographical information (BGT) and 3D buildings (3DBAG).
Communication Tool Enhancements
SimCrowds is designed as a communication tool to provide insights to various stakeholders, including decision-makers. New features include camera tracks for smooth visualizations, view thumbnails for quick view switches, and clipping boxes to focus on areas of interest. With touch screen compatibility, SimCrowds is ideal for real-life demonstrations and table-top sessions.
Technical Background
Our core engine, TerraCrowds, is written in Rust. It includes a memory-oriented Entity Component System that handles super real-time simulations (100x) in a deterministic fashion, making accurate predictions and efficiently scheduling tasks across multiple threads, even in a web browser via WebAssembly/JS. Our recent proof-of-concept showcased 200K real-time NPCs in Unity WebGPU using this technology.
The engine integrates into our crowd logic engine, which is embedded as a plugin in Unity3D. Interactions, visualizations, and UX are developed in the Unity Editor, resulting in SimCrowds. This product manages over 100,000 pedestrians in real-time in 2D and multi-layered 3D environments on a modern computer.
Try SimCrowds for just €1! Get it at Please DM us if you’re interested in integrating our engine into your product or conducting a simulation project.
#crowd #simulation #SimCrowds #TerraCrowds #ECS #digitaltwin
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